October in the southwest desert and late late summer doesnt want to leave.
The leaves fall because it's Fall or because the trees are too dry to hang on. Little yellow, burnt brown. singed and dropping, leaving a message we dont want to read. The future of anything wont be saved by body lotion. The whole planet lotion, the love we need to share....
In the studio the 3 ring circus of painting, drawing, writing, and the new Gallery at 326 South Wilmot presents an Open Studio Show and Sale for artist residents and friends, opens Oct 17- November 10.
Collecting 18 Poems for reading with James Sherry, that New York wordsmith of balance and grace, at the WAVE ARCHIVE on Toole for POG group October 19th, 7pm.
. Spirits of possibility still reign, even if the clouds are still. A rainbow hides and colors every sky.
Hoping you do, too.
October 11, 2024